Hardware Dissection 7-11 Years
Did you ever wonder what is inside your computer, laptop or phone and how all these make it function? Join us for a session of
engaging and interactive learning where we will explore the inside world of a computer will learn troubleshooting 101, how to
upgrade or build your own!
This event is teacher hosted for 7-11-year-old students. A working camera is required.
This is a FREE event – ask questions and share feedback about the event in the Live Events Group https://tothenetwork.com/groups/live-events-chat-space/
Event Attendees
Kate Jackson1 tickets
Srijana Ghimire1 tickets
Urooj Seemeen1 tickets
Emily Hahn1 tickets
Lionel Sidorik1 tickets
Ayan1 tickets
Lisa Escobar1 tickets
Nexus Newbegin1 tickets
Carla Wang1 tickets
Mike Klein1 tickets
Srividya Mothukuri1 tickets
Mani Mehramooz1 tickets