Data Driven Decision Making – Ages 10-14 Years
In this session we will look at a challenging data puzzle. The puzzle is designed on a website so that learners at any math level can engage with the problem.
This is a problem that I used during the admissions process to Astra Nova School a few years ago, and it always brings lively discussion as we figure out the optimal way to solve the problem.
The prompt is below, looking forward to seeing you there!
As summer readers pour into her library, Tara faces an optimization dilemma…
Tara the librarian has a puzzle to solve, but it’s a good problem to have. Students want to read over the summer; however, many
students want to read the same books, and the library has a limited number of books to provide to students.
Can you help Tara decide who will get each book? Her goal is to get as many students as possible their best-ranked books.
Event Attendees
Kate Jackson1 tickets
lilikoi1 tickets
Anshul Karri1 tickets
Bach Nguyen1 tickets
Arlo1 tickets
Van Ho1 tickets
Sapir Shachar1 tickets
Zoey1 tickets
Marco Villacorta1 tickets
Stephan Saurer1 tickets
Lauren Shedivy1 tickets
Aidan McGuire1 tickets
Tegu Kim1 tickets
Mark Baziak1 tickets
Sravanthi Gummaregula1 tickets
Aaron Klein1 tickets
Christine Worden for Lyra1 tickets
Colin Fetter1 tickets
Carden Zhang1 tickets
Emily Lightfoot1 tickets